Showing posts with label Triratna. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Triratna. Show all posts

Wednesday, 5 October 2022

Notes on what is Enlightenment?

What is Enlightenment?

It is hard to say what it is, Buddha said it was beyond words

We can be sure it is very far beyond where we are now

Even though the Buddha also said all can attain it who make the effort

But we can say something about an important staging post

When we develop insight, knowledge and vision of things as they really are

One becomes Arya, noble,

One enters the stream leading to Enlightenment

From that moment we can’t fall back, E is assured if if not in this lifetime

So how to we become Arya, Stream Enterants, important question

By breaking the first three fetters, which bind us to Samsara, conditioned existence, the W of L

In all ten fetters to break to reach E

What are they?

1/ Satkaya Drsti, literally true/real body view

Usual translation, personality view

Я такой человек, always have been and will be

Such views can be individual and collective, I’m Russian, we are like this

S calls this the fetter of habit, living on autopilot, doing what we know, not trying anything new

Antidote, be creatively minded

2/ Vicikitsa, doubt and indecision

Not a sincere doubt when we want to find the truth

But refusal to make a decision, to commit (to GFR to a teacher and path)

S calls this the fetter of vagueness, wilful ignorance

Antidote, commitment, GFR

3/ Silavrataparamasa, dependence on ethics and religious observances as ends in themselves

They are necessary, but depending on them is a fetter, building your ego around themselves

Also doing outer form of practice as enough without recourse to personal experience

Examples, you must sit in a particular posture for meditation, or recite an exact number of mantras

That in itself ie enough for effective practice, no regard to personal experiences

S calls this the fetter of superficiality, on the surface, no depth, no personal experiences

Antidote, clarity, clear thinking, self knowledge and awareness

Summary; we need creativity/trying something new, commitment/GFR, clarity/self knowledge

Notes on the 12 links

12 links

Salute the shine, time dedicated to spiritual progress, not worldly interests

Homage to the three jewels with body speach and mind

Mindfulness of the body, foundation of practice and development of awareness

Report back, expressing our experience to become more aware of it

Mindfulness of feelings, shorter,

report back, three parts of the body, pleasant or painful, one word to describe each

3 qualities; interest/ curiosity, closeness/warmth, freedom/spontanaeity

to overcome distraction, abstraction and control

12 links

Unite / integrate knowledge and personal experience

To become whole, unify our will and energy

See how conditioned co-production works in our lives

Looking at feeling, craving , attachment in our lives, one concrete example

Maybe easier to start at the end

What attachment are we considering?

What is the craving behind it, powering it?

What is the feeling we crave for?

Importance of expressing personal experience, listening to others, and learning from them

Full awareness > transformation, how to transform myself > full awareness


Material things and satisfaction

Views, which ones are we attached to

Ethics and practices

Ourselves, душа

Refuges and precepts to close, now we have the teaching dedication to practice it

to transform ourselves and our lives on all levels and in all dimensions

Notes on teaching the Metta Bhavana meditation

Notes on teaching the Metta Bhavana meditation

About me; meditation 1990, OM in Triratna 1994, teaching 2002

Practice of meditation; like a musical instrument, states of mind and qualities, enlightenment

-- Capable of new experience we can’t now imagine, we often limit ourselves, need faith, intention

-- And need to be rooted in current experience, discover who we really are,

Hidden by; controlling our emotions, avoiding pain, ideas about ourselves, external activity

Working on yourself; means how we change;

Developing an emotionally and positive concentrated state of mind not by wilful suppression of unpleasant emotions and escaping unpleasant feelings but by:

-- Choosing to focus on the positive not the negative

Developing our awareness to be able to make those kinds of choices.

Not on autopilot.

Means we can take responsibility for our mental and emotional states.

Not blame others for what we feel.

-- Leads to states of openness, receptivity, love and compassion

Which allow positive, creative communication and improved relations

In conflicts capable of keeping positive states, aware and concentrated

Thinking quickly to make good decisions

Why continue coming?

How to practice in everyday life, how our everyday lives support our meditation

Единомышленники, spiritual friendship, support

Hindrances arise over time, after a few months and 10 years ….

Spiritual development is a long path, many stages, different needs later

Highest development of meditation is E, path to E is called the Dharma, essence of Buddhism

Triratna; international Buddhist community practising together

While meditating;

What happens to the experience of your body, your feelings, emotions, thoughts while meditating

What are the effects, changes

We can share experiences afterwards

Tip, don’t spend the while meditation thinking about it

Emphasis, exploring experience and discovering change

Notes on teaching the Mindfulness of Breathing

Notes on teaching the Mindfulness of Breathing meditation

About me; meditation 1990, OM in Triratna 1994, teaching 2002

Practice of meditation; like a musical instrument, states of mind and qualities, enlightenment

-- Capable of new experience we can’t now imagine, we often limit ourselves, need faith, intention

-- And need to be rooted in current experience, discover who we really are,

Hidden by; controlling our emotions, avoiding pain, ideas about ourselves, external activity

Working on yourself, means how we change;

Developing an emotionally and positive concentrated state of mind by;

-- Energy balanced, not to weak, not too stressed and strong

-- And relaxing our attention, being aware, developing understanding of ourselves

Leads to qualities in everyday life of awareness, concentration, self-control

Not wilful suppression of unpleasant emotions but choose through spaciousness and awareness

In difficult situations or conflicts we can think quickly, make good decisions and keep in a +ve state

Why continue coming?

How to practice in everyday life, how our everyday lives support our meditation

Единомышленники, spiritual friendship, support

Hindrances arise over time, after a few months and 10 years ….

Spiritual development is a long path, many stages, different needs later

Triratna; international Buddhist community practising together

Highest development of meditation is E, path to E is called the Dharma, essence of Buddhism

While meditating;

What happens to the experience of your body, your feelings, emotions, thoughts while meditating

What are the effects, changes

We can share experiences afterwards

Tip, don’t spend the while meditation thinking about it

Emphasis, exploring experience and discovering change

Sunday, 29 July 2012

How to meditate? A guided meditation.

How to meditate? What is meditation? Find out for yourself and learn to meditate, even if you have never tried before, with this Guided Meditation. Everything is explained for you to immediately start a full length Mindfulness of the Body, or Body Scan. Included is an introduction to good posture, how to be upright and comfortable, during meditation.

You can also continue to practise along with this video long after your first attempt, or if you have learnt the basics of meditation and would like the support of meditating 'with others' or in a more structured way.

This meditation can be used as a preparation for other Buddhist meditations, and Buddhist spiritual practice in general; or simply as a way to relax more deeply and reduce stress for those of any religious or political persuasion.

The meditation is led by Suvannavira, member of the Triratna Buddhist Order, who has been meditating for over 20 years, and teaching meditation and Buddhism in Paris and Moscow for 10. You can also watch this video in French or Russian.

For details of Meditation Classes near you click here:

Video by Patryk Lange. Filmed at Sopatowiec, Poland.