Wednesday, 5 October 2022

Notes on teaching the Mindfulness of Breathing

Notes on teaching the Mindfulness of Breathing meditation

About me; meditation 1990, OM in Triratna 1994, teaching 2002

Practice of meditation; like a musical instrument, states of mind and qualities, enlightenment

-- Capable of new experience we can’t now imagine, we often limit ourselves, need faith, intention

-- And need to be rooted in current experience, discover who we really are,

Hidden by; controlling our emotions, avoiding pain, ideas about ourselves, external activity

Working on yourself, means how we change;

Developing an emotionally and positive concentrated state of mind by;

-- Energy balanced, not to weak, not too stressed and strong

-- And relaxing our attention, being aware, developing understanding of ourselves

Leads to qualities in everyday life of awareness, concentration, self-control

Not wilful suppression of unpleasant emotions but choose through spaciousness and awareness

In difficult situations or conflicts we can think quickly, make good decisions and keep in a +ve state

Why continue coming?

How to practice in everyday life, how our everyday lives support our meditation

Единомышленники, spiritual friendship, support

Hindrances arise over time, after a few months and 10 years ….

Spiritual development is a long path, many stages, different needs later

Triratna; international Buddhist community practising together

Highest development of meditation is E, path to E is called the Dharma, essence of Buddhism

While meditating;

What happens to the experience of your body, your feelings, emotions, thoughts while meditating

What are the effects, changes

We can share experiences afterwards

Tip, don’t spend the while meditation thinking about it

Emphasis, exploring experience and discovering change

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